
Sunday, December 1, 2013

Sunday December 3

Every Service is getting better! I got a ride to Machakos this morning very early. It was about a 1.5 hr drive from Kikuyu and I was chauffeured by a very nice couple that was just married not too long ago. The level of respect they have here for ministers (I guess I had been put in that catagory on this trip:) is very high and make sure I am always comfortable. Service started at 9:30... there is a real stir among the young people and the pastor said some were already in church at 7am praying and getting ready. Once again, had amazing service. The people pull hard on the Word (and the minister:) and before the service my throat was already hoarse from services this last week. Someone must be praying because my voice was stronger at the end of speaking than before. As I write this though, it is hoarse again:) nothing a little tea can't fix:) We had wonderful afterservice and time of praise/prayer. I decided to not go to Uganda or to Dianibeach. But they have already made me promise to come back:) In Machakos they have had a miracle of two weeks of rain...they had been in a famine/drought and had come to desperate place. They called all the local ministers together the last Saturday (2 weeks ago) I was there and had a prayer service for rain. It has rained nearly everyday since! After the service we went for some food... when I am fellowshiping here with the ministers I hardly say anything... I just try to shut up and listen/learn from them as they speak about the Word:) Brother Jimmy for instance has preached since he was 16, pastored since he was 18, and been a pillar for years. I have 2 more services before I return on Wednesday and Thursday. I leave 12:40am Saturday...arriving in Seattle at 8: 40pm Saturday.... The first 4 weeks here I was at hospital 40+ hrs each week... but last week only went once to get ready for services. This week I plan on studying and hopefully goin on a safari in Nairobi. I should be able to get some pics/video up soon since Brother Kenn had (brother who drove me from Kikuyu) had a Camera during service. See y'all later.