
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Wednesday, November 27

Hi everyone, just a quick update.
Today I am not volunteering at the hospital. Rather I am studying for this evening (Wednesday) service. I will also be speaking Thursday (tomorrow) night as well as Sunday.
Planning to speak on "Appraisal of the Sacrifice" this evening.
"Despising of the Nazarite Vow" tomorrow evening.
And "Make Way for Liberty"  on Sunday morning. Read the small print at the bottom!
Then I will be going to DIANI BEACH !!!
I have mostly been in the house last couple days but I did get you all a picture to see!............ BREAKFAST!!!

Unfortunately I haven't been able to put video up of speaking yet... But here is a pic if the notes I am working on for tomorrow evening. Behind the scenes:)

I made the pic small on purpose:) Am scheduled to take YP service Friday at CBW after I get back and I might use some of these notes:)


***Subject and titles are all subject to change and leading of the Holy Ghost. This is a preview only, has no legal binding power, and is not set in stone. Thank you for kind understanding.***