First off, thank you so much for all your words/emails of kindness and prayers for the service today. Was amazing. I lost my voice.... surprise, surprise=)
I spoke out of Rev. 6:1-8, Ezekiel 37:1-12, Joel 1 and 2, 1 Cor. 15:54...
Title: "Last Enemy Conquered: Death."
Taught them "Give Me Jesus" song and sang a special with young people, "In Christ Alone."
I have a feeling this is gonna turn into a ministering trip=/... but I am fine with that=)
Watching amazing lightning storm right now=)
Studying Saturday on my bunkbed=)
Pastors back office. Finally, printed notes off 10 minutes before I used them. Not gonna lie, was getting a little nervous.
First time I ever thought I needed a tablet.
Left to Right: Boaz, Kelvin, Yours Truly, Jerry, Paul
Couple pics of me speaking... taken by Paul.