Yesterday, Saturday, I went into Nairobi and hung out with some of the young people the whole day.
We sang and fellowshipped and then sang a special this morning at church.
Today I went to Brother Kamwati's church. We went early because Brother Kamwati wanted to have some fellowship before the service. Had a great time recalling past memories of when my father and grandfather were in Africa. He sends his greetings to Brother Byskal, the Okellos, and everyone in Cloverdale. They have very special place in their heart for Bibleway and Brother Byskal especially.
The young people there know every singer on and I was questioned about family lineage, height, shoe size, social security numbers, etc, etc, etc=)
The church is very large and the sanctuary is full. They also have a large hall in the basement that allows people to watch the service on screens. They have plans to build another church that will meet their needs better.
By the way, security is EVERYWHERE. For instance, at the mall, there is security to check vehicles and pedestrians before going into parking lot. They even have metal detector wands. Then inside the mall parking lot there are guys in uniform and automatic weapons. Then before you go inside the mall you are checked again by security with metal detectors and all. Also, most stores within the mall have a security agent that keeps an eye on the entrance.
The church is no exception. Before going on church property security uses the metal detectors and checks backpacks and purses. There were 4-5 men in uniform that had rifles in the church entrance as well.
I greeted the people for several minutes before the preaching. A lot of them have been asking a very open-ended question: "How is Kenya different from Canada?" So, in my "exhortation" I said that "It's the SAME devil, with the SAME tricks, with the SAME temptations. But, thanks be to God that we serve the SAME powerful God!" They liked that answer a lot while they laughed and applauded.
Went out to eat and had some authentic African food with Jerry (18) and Kelvin (22). When we are in the city they act like my body guards and always tell me to stay close=)
Wednesday we will be having a church fellowship at Brother Kamwati's and then Sunday I will be speaking. This morning the sermon title was "I am the Bread of Life that Came Down from Heaven." It was great... BESIDES ONE THING. He walked all over what I was planning to speak on next Sunday. I had studied the manna in Exodus while on the flight here... gonna have to go to plan B=)
I will put a video up end of next week... internet is sort making uploading a pain=)
I will miss being in Cloverdale for the Sunday services! God bless
PS-- We saw a solar eclipse this evening. Covered almost half the sun. VERY COOL.
This is after church during choir practice. The building is very tall and has this carved into the wall.
The sound board is in a room behind the platform. I spoke with Kelvin and hope to help them reposition the sound booth in the balcony so that the specials and sound isn't such an issue.
Brother Kamwati had me sit in front. This is left side of congregation.
Right side.
Side view of church
I didn't workout Sunday but certainly practiced my isometric squats using this African-style toilet!=)
I would guess there is about 1600 or so in sanctuary and then several hundred more people downstairs watching the service.