I realized that quite a few people have been following the blog that are not at Cloverdale and wanted to let you all know I did make it home safely=) I am sure you all lost sleep over it! LOL
I want to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for your prayers and support before, during, and after the trip. I will never be the same man and have been changed both in character, values, and perspective. It's cliche, but it certainly was a life-changing trip and we have it too good in North America... not that I am complaining, I highly enjoy running water and electricity=)
I have had some amazing jet lag and did a workout at 3am Monday morning and 3am Tuesday morning=)
Good to be home!
Thank you again, your prayers, love, and support have meant so much to me.
ASANTE! (Thank you in Swahili)