
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

I Made it Back Safely=)

I realized that quite a few people have been following the blog that are not at Cloverdale and wanted to let you all know I did make it home safely=) I am sure you all lost sleep over it! LOL
I want to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for your prayers and support before, during, and after the trip. I will never be the same man and have been changed both in character, values, and perspective. It's cliche, but it certainly was a life-changing trip and we have it too good in North America... not that I am complaining, I highly enjoy running water and electricity=)
I have had some amazing jet lag and did a workout at 3am Monday morning and 3am Tuesday morning=)
Good to be home!
Thank you again, your prayers, love, and support have meant so much to me.
ASANTE! (Thank you in Swahili)

Thursday, December 5, 2013


LAST day in Africa!
It has already been 6 weeks since I got here! And tonight I leave Nairobi and head home.
They tried to convince me to stay a little longer and wait for their youth convention later in December, but home is where the heart is... And no matter where I go in the world, home is in Blaine, WA, USA:)
Last night I spoke on "Birthrights to the Hidden Manna"... I was tired but had great time. I actually stayed behind the pulpit most the time:) I then  went to a brother's house, Tonnie Muli, for dinner and spent the night there as well. Today I am going to Brother Tonnie's dentist practice and then headin back to Kikuyu to pack my luggage. Today will be filled with lots of running and exercise to get ready for the next 30 hrs of sittin on plane and in airports... Oh and will be busy finishing my peanut butter and honey:) this evenin I will be going for dinner at Pastor Wakhanu's house and then leaving for the airport. 
This has been an amazing trip! I know it is cliché... But it has certainly been a life changing experience. I could write a thesis on the way it has changed who I am.... But I won't:) I have never been super patriotic but I certainly love North America more after this trip. I realize the little blessings that we have that I have always taken for granted... Things like good roads, safety, and reliable electric to name a few. Seeing the pain and poverty of the children at the hospitals was an unforgettable experience, not to mention all the medical stuff I learnt and how their healthcare/medicine is different here.
I guess I can tell you all something I have kept secret for a while. I didn't share on the blog because I didn't want to get anyone worried... And send me "come home!" emails:)
On my third week here I was robbed on the matatu (public transport). They took my external hard drive (with 320gb of school/speaking docs) and cash by distracting me. Last week, I got robbed again by the same gang... This time by force. I guess its not really by force though, Its not like i was gonna fight them anyways... I have heard too many at-gunpoint stories to do that:) They got my iPhone, which by the way was nearly brand new:) So forgive me for being deceptive when I said I was having "technical difficulties" and couldn't put pics/video up.... Truth is, I got my phone stolen:)
Honestly though, it was just part of what made this trip life changing and will cause me to enjoy the feeling in US where I am not constantly on guard in public. I wasn't "mad" after getting robbed.... Ok, take that back... I was for about 10mins after my phone got stolen:) I realized it was just Satan, and he was not happy with me:) First two weeks I didn't speak here. The week after I spoke the first time, I got robbed:) Then a few weeks later, I started preaching 3-4X per week and got my iPhone stolen. Thanks be to God, we have started a revival and nothing makes me happier to think the Devil loses sleep over me:) Now you know why I always said I could feel your prayers; it was times like this that could've got ugly.... Thank you SO MUCH!
The youth have really been challenged, especially by the few youth services we had. They are really stepping it up and being musicians, sound/video guys, and song leaders. Last night Jerry, 18, sing led for the first time.
I look forward to being in Cloverdale and if I am dozing off in church Sunday, do realize that I am arriving Saturday night, am on an 11hr time change, have got a combined leas than 20hrs of sleep this whole week, and spoke 5 times in the past 8 days:) haha
See you all soon!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Wednesday December 4

Hey everybody! I only got 3 more days in Africa! Truly bittersweet:) Looking forward to homemade salsa, ice cream, muffins, granola etc etc... Oh and seeing you guys too:) 

First off, sorry I don't have pics/video:( I have had some "technical" difficulties but will show you them all when I get back. I got awesome pics of beach and Bro Ken got a lot of pics from Sunday trip to Machakos.

So, once again plans changed, and I decided last minute to go to Diani Beach. Some of the other volunteers were heading there and I felt more safe being in a group. We left Monday at 9pm on bus from Nairobi. Arrived in DianiBeach 9am Tuesday morning. Was expecting to stay there till Thursday but got a call from Brother Kamwati asking me if I would take the Wednesday night service. So I spent 10hrs in Diani and then got back on the bus and came back to Nairobi. The bus ride was fun... Or interesting:) on the way, we had to wait for over and hour because road closed due to armed robbers laying spike strips on road ahead. On way back, were delayed due to mechanical issues... If you saw the buses you wouldn't be surprised. The stay in Diani was short but just what I needed. Was able to relax in the over 90 F weather and get my voice back. Something about palm trees that soothes the nerves and warms the soul:) Diani is like a whole other world compared to Nairobi... Lots of white people (mizungu's) and not nearly as much crime/theft. Stayed for the day at a place called Southbeach Backpackers which was super cool... Pics will do better job of describing it. The ultimate chill out and do nothing place:) (not to mention hanging out with my monkey relatives:)....took a long jog on the white, sandy beach which was nearly disserted. Note to fellow vacationers: running in ankle deep water and having your feet sink 10-12 inches in sand is a GREAT workout!:) 
This evening I will be speaking at Brother Kamwati's and then tomorrow night in Kikuyu. I haven't slept much last two nights from bus rides but feel much stronger after relaxing yesterday. 
Has been a great stirring here, especially in the youth.... All the youth are getting me a couple shirts and then putting their signatures all over them :) Best souvenir ever!!
Looking forward to seeing you all Sunday in Cloverdale!

Pics from Machakos service on Sunday...
Above are the ministers during the service.

Brother Jimmy interpretted for me.

 Southbeach Backpackers Resort
Life is good in Africa=) 

Diani Beach=)

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Sunday December 3

Every Service is getting better! I got a ride to Machakos this morning very early. It was about a 1.5 hr drive from Kikuyu and I was chauffeured by a very nice couple that was just married not too long ago. The level of respect they have here for ministers (I guess I had been put in that catagory on this trip:) is very high and make sure I am always comfortable. Service started at 9:30... there is a real stir among the young people and the pastor said some were already in church at 7am praying and getting ready. Once again, had amazing service. The people pull hard on the Word (and the minister:) and before the service my throat was already hoarse from services this last week. Someone must be praying because my voice was stronger at the end of speaking than before. As I write this though, it is hoarse again:) nothing a little tea can't fix:) We had wonderful afterservice and time of praise/prayer. I decided to not go to Uganda or to Dianibeach. But they have already made me promise to come back:) In Machakos they have had a miracle of two weeks of rain...they had been in a famine/drought and had come to desperate place. They called all the local ministers together the last Saturday (2 weeks ago) I was there and had a prayer service for rain. It has rained nearly everyday since! After the service we went for some food... when I am fellowshiping here with the ministers I hardly say anything... I just try to shut up and listen/learn from them as they speak about the Word:) Brother Jimmy for instance has preached since he was 16, pastored since he was 18, and been a pillar for years. I have 2 more services before I return on Wednesday and Thursday. I leave 12:40am Saturday...arriving in Seattle at 8: 40pm Saturday.... The first 4 weeks here I was at hospital 40+ hrs each week... but last week only went once to get ready for services. This week I plan on studying and hopefully goin on a safari in Nairobi. I should be able to get some pics/video up soon since Brother Kenn had (brother who drove me from Kikuyu) had a Camera during service. See y'all later.